Role-play-based education
Role-playing leads to a change of perspective: We take on a specific point of view and become more sensitive and empathetic as a result. […]
Welcome to Ludogogy Magazine
This magazine sources inspirational, ideas-filled articles from the brightest and best in the fields of games-based learning, gamification and gameful design. It’s also a full-time job, and can’t continue without financial support. If it gives value to you, please become a patron at one of the three tiers offered – and access some great patron perks too.
– Sarah Le-Fevre (Editor)
Role-playing leads to a change of perspective: We take on a specific point of view and become more sensitive and empathetic as a result. […]
Formal education kills team work. Alright, I hope that got your attention. Now let me share my experience with designing serious games to teach students at the University of Economics Krakow (UEK) 21st Century skills […]
Until I was 17 years old, I was a hardened gamer. Platformers, strategy, beat’em up, FPS… I loved them all. But one day, without really knowing why, I got bored of video games and ended […]
The earliest learning simulations were wargames. Modern simulations grew out of combatants’ need to understand past strategies, and to develop and test new ones […]
Games and simulations are often mentioned together. They do share some of the same characteristics; but games and simulations are different from one another. […]
Ludogogy 2022