Ray Kimball

42 Educational Games Coaching and Design (“42EdGames” for short) is a resource for educators who want to enrich their curriculum or lessons through game-based-learning. Using digital, tabletop or role-playing games, we create classrooms where undergraduate students are actively and energetically engaged. Where they do not just read, listen and memorize, but develop a holistic understanding of course material and a deep connection with one another, and their instructor. This immersive experience improves grades and pass rates… and it’s fun!

There are two ways to work with 42EdGames, but it always starts with us listening and learning about the goals of a particular course or lesson, and what challenges an instructor is facing. Then, we can recommend an existing game and create a tailored lesson plan, or design a fully customized game. Either way, we are present as coaches from inception of the idea through implementation, answering questions and ensuring the teacher’s success.

42EdGames is for every college educator, whether they have experience with game-based learning or not. We urge clients to ask questions and share their ideas. With 42EdGames, nothing is too nerdy, silly or outrageous!

For about the same cost as attending a “same old, same old” professional development conference, educators get an incredible learning tool to use indefinitely to inspire and educate hundreds or thousands of students.

If you know an undergraduate educator, department chair, or teaching and learning center who might be open to integrating game-based learning into their repertoire, visit https://42ed.games/how-it-works/ to learn more!

Scott Simmerman and Solomon Salvis

You can see a lot more ideas around the metaphor of caterpillars and butterflies in a blog post called “Teaching The Caterpillar to Fly” at: https://performancemanagementcompanyblog.com/2013/07/10/teaching-the-caterpillar-to-fly-thoughts-on-change-part-two/

See a lot more details and delivery ideas  for the finger, arm and leg exercise at:  https://performancemanagementcompanyblog.com/2020/02/01/decreasing-resistance-to-change-the-finger-arm-and-leg-exercise-for-facilitating-discussion/

Serious Playing with LEGO – Facilitating Engagement with Play” Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/227462904498264/ And there are many similar pages of resources online.

Scott’s blog on People and Performance is here.

You can reach Scott at scott@squarewheels.com and contact Solomon at solomon@simurise.com or on his mobile +91 9322606868 | +918452084442

find more tools at Performance Management Comapny

Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

Visit or contact Victoria at

victoriaichizlibartels.com or optimistwriter.com

Latest Book 

Victoria’s latest book is Gameful Habits, which is Book 7 of her new series “Gameful Life.”

In this unconventional book on habits, Victoria shares the Super Sleeper game she created to ensure she got enough sleep, and how this success was extrapolated to the other habits and daily practices she wanted to develop.

Read Gameful Habits, and you will learn the three skill sets required to succeed in your self-motivational games, i.e. any habits, projects, challenges, tasks, or other activities turned into fun games.

Find out more about the book at https://www.victoriaichizlibartels.com/gameful-writing/

You can also purchase Gameful Habits from Amazon

Terry Pearce

Untold Play Logo

Terry Pearce is a bespoke learning designer, who focuses on game-based learning and gamification in designing learning experiences. He’s the founder of untold play,  where he’s committed to putting the power of play to work in learning. In his 20-year career in L&D, his learning design has won awards from Reed Learning, the Healthcare People Management Association and The NHS London Modernisation Agency.

He’s co-host of The Training Design Podcast, a weekly 45-minute dose of practical tips and discussion on Learning and Training Design [anchor.fm/trainingdesignpodcast]. Terry is a proud member of the Octalysis Prime gamification community [join.octalysisprime.com], and the Trainer Talk community [trainer-talk.co.uk], for whom he hosts the Local London quarterly meetings [trainer-talk.co.uk/trainer-talk-local/london/]. He writes ebooks for BookBoon’s corporate education library [bookboon.com], and articles for Ludogogy, TrainingZone and others.

Thomas Ackland

Thomas is looking for opportunities to get involved in new games projects, serious or otherwise.  You can find out more about Thomas at https://www.thomasacklandgames.com/

Sue Baechler

Originaliti develops games and interactive experiences that help people learn, create and excel together. Led by Sue Baechler, a 30-year innovator in experiential learning, workplace creativity and games design, Originaliti’s specialty is inventing games and playful experiences for corporate transformation initiatives that require new skills and changes in behavior to improve results like: drug development innovation, profitability skills, advanced selling, customer experience, product innovation, and new business growth.

Alan M. Webber, co-founder of Fast Company Magazine wrote about the games and playful experiences Sue Baechler’s team designed to transform how people work and learn at Xerox.

XBS’s approach to change is dramatically different from most others. The mind-set is experimental, inclusive, organic, almost playful. Through a seemingly endless series of simulations, seminars, events, and experiences — all carefully designed to reinforce a simple message to employees about the value of learning — XBS has created an environment that not only produces business results but also supports personal growth.”

Originaliti’s new All In Game with Focus Games is an ideas-to-actions planning tool. It can be used in any situation requiring planning or problem solving. In a 90-minute session, up to 8 people turn their ideas into actions that will achieve real outcomes for your business. It can be used online, face-to-face or both. It is designed for hybrid working. (Forbes says) All In Game “delivers impressive business outcomes.”

æStranger is headed by Albert van der Meer, a creative gamification consultant. The website and company offer’s various blogs on gamification techniques, research and gameful design practices. Alongside these æStranger offers gamification workshops, consultation sessions and team-building experiences. Albert is also the co-author of Press Start: Using Gamification to Power-up your Marketing. The book offer’s straightforward advice and immediate applicability of marketing & gamification techniques. It’s aimed at marketers who wish to fully engage their customers in a positive and meaningful manner using game techniques.

Andrew Solomon


Andrew is the Creative Solutions Director and Head of Gamification at Playa. (https://www.getplaya.co.za/)

Playa is a gamification design and development company that creates customised and pre-built gamification solutions for business. Our method draws on principles of human-centred design, behaviourism, motivation theories and video game mechanics. Design begins with defining business objectives. Data feeds the gamification mechanics that motivate human actions. Find out more about our methods and design approach. (www.getplaya.co.za/our-method/)

The ultimate goal of gamification is changing behaviour. That might be employees, channel partners or customers. Gamification has wide application in business.

Simon Dutton

You can see more details of Simon’s work at www.dbti.co.uk


DBTI supports the LEGO® Serious Play® initiative, “Young People’s Global Dialogue on Climate Change”. Bringing together young people to share opinions and attitudes, listen to others and build a better understanding. LSP makes the dialogue possible, in a fun and effective way. With 450 facilitators across more than 60 countries running these free workshops in late April, DBTI is looking for young people aged 18-25 to take part in North Wales. If you, or someone you know is interested then please get in touch.

What people are saying about Lego® Serious Play® and DBTI Ltd

“I enjoyed how my thoughts were played out through my hands and having no clue what would be produced evolve into something that means a lot”

Dave Eng

Find out more about Dave and his work at www.davengdesign.com or www.universityxp.com
or email him at: dave@universityxp.com

Ask Agger

See the work of Ask and his team at http://www.workz.dk/

The international dairy company Arla is using Gamechangers®

“To achieve results in a company like Arla it is not enough only to focus on your own tasks and activities in your team – but also fully understand how others in Arla can help you in creating performance. Having organisational understanding and proactively build positive relationships are core competencies for leaders in Arla. Gamechangers helps leaders understand and strengthen these competencies in an effective and fun way”

  – Thomas Schou Høj, Arla Foods amba, Global HR Services, Learning & Development


Nigel Hopkins


Game-changing Insight provides the unique Total-IT collection of advanced strategic business games under license for commercial use by trainers. The games are also offered in stand-alone editions for non-commercial use in, for example, team building and onboarding sessions. Our Holistic-IT training course offers three modules that are a perfect fit for companies facing re-organisation or transformation challenges where the benefits of a common foundational mindset have been recognised. We are happy to work with clients to create customised versions of our standard games or to develop bespoke games.

Please reach out to us if would like to know more about how we can help you leverage the power of game-based learning or if you would be interested in reselling our games or services.

Website: gamechanginginsight.com

e-mail: info@gamechanginginsight.com

Tania Vercoelen

A portfolio of Tania’s work can be seen at http://www.taniavercoelen.com/home/portfolio/

If you are interested in playing Project Ninjas or the Agile expansion, the games are available to purchase. Get in contact with me and I can send you all the details and additional resources to run the session.

email tania@escapadelearning.com

Dirk van Diepen

The Octalysis Group helps companies engage their customers and employees through Behavioral Science and Gameful Design. Based on the world-renowned Gamification work of Yu-Kai-Chou (watch his TEDx talk), they have a long and proven track record of creating high ROI engagement designs.

“We enjoyed the great partnership with Octalysis. Yu-Kai Chou’s Octalysis framework unveiled an amazing Gamification vision that stretches far beyond points, badges and leaderboards.”
– Scott Get, Sr PM of Microsoft Learn.

Dirk studied Industrial Design Engineering at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. He
finished with the highest grade in his class. As a certified SolidWorks Professional Dirk worked as
a Mechanical Design Engineer for several years, designing heavy machinery.

He has always had a passion for board games and is the creator of several, including the
customisable Game of Love for newlyweds to improve their relationship. Combining his engineering background and knowledge of human psychology, Dirk specialises in the craft of weaving together game mechanics with maximum synergy in order to ensure long lasting user engagement.

If you want to learn more about Gamification, try out The Octalysis Group, the gamified learning
experience. To get started on your project right away, with the help of the top Experts in the field,
don’t hesitate to reach out at dirk@octalysisgroup.com for a free consultation.

Karen Gargani

Karen Gargani is a co-owner of Leap Professional Ltd,
committed to heralding the revolution in online professional development for Leaders.  The Leadership Is … Series offers an expanding library of professional development materials covering familiar and many unfamiliar topics important for leaders as they grapple with the challenges of helping today’s organisations, teams and communities flourish tomorrow.

The team bring together a unique combination of expertise in online learning design, neuroscience, leadership development, psychotherapy, play, creativity, collaboration and corporate hand-on work experience.

The Leap Professional website provides details of modules and online purchase.  Visit www.leapprofessional.com

“I found ‘Leadership is being Curious~’ incredibly valuable because it has brought to my awareness my own ways and means of making sense of the world. ……..and beyond this, the design of the learning experience has somehow triggered a self-motivation and drive in me that I have often struggled to sustain on my own…….I sense this is ‘the thing’ a lot of individuals are searching for to manage the demands and stresses of everyday life”

– Dr Rebecca Taylor

Co-Create Impact LogoAlice Richard and Sophie Segal are changemakers, innovative thinkers and engaging trainers. They share a vision of inspiring people to take positive action and co-founded Co-CREATE ImpACT to champion sustainability through play.

Co-CREATE ImpACT helps companies who want to make sustainability relevant to their whole business, by using play-based learning and immersive game workshops to engage employees in sustainability in an innovative and fun way.

Whether you are a business, not for profit or educational organisation, our workshops bring sustainability to life and make a real difference.
Designed to engage – We curate and design games that can shift behaviours and drive change in businesses’ practices by engaging people at all levels.
Played for impact – Inspiration without action is pointless. Play creates a safe space to take risks and explore new opportunities. Co-creating solutions that are good for planet, people and profit.

Accessible to all – All game-based workshops are tailored to your business needs, engaging for all participants regardless of their level of knowledge and can be run as stand-alone events or combined with team-building activities, stakeholders meetings, strategy away-days and conferences.
Let’s bring sustainability to life together!

Find out more www.cocreateimpact.com

Get in touch at weare@cocreateimpact.com

IThrive Games LogoAt iThrive Games Foundation, Susan Rivers, PhD, is the Executive Director and Chief Scientist and Susan X. Jane is the Senior Director of Organizational Strategy.

iThrive Games prepares teens to thrive by meeting them where they are and working in partnership towards a world where all have the voice, choice, and agency to reach their full potential. We use games and game design to equip teens with the social and emotional skills they need to be healthy and resilient, tools to support and protect their mental health and well-being, systems thinking they need to recognize inequity, and meaningful opportunities to imagine and design a better world.

iThrive creates tools with and for teens that attend to the magnificence of their brains and support adults in creating environments where teens can thrive. We do this in three ways:

  • iThrive Sim— a technology-enabled tool to cultivate critical thinking and decision making skills while encouraging social and emotional learning.
  • iThrive Curriculum–resources that help educators engage teens in deep learning while using technology to explore core content.
  • iThrive Studio–a co-design process where teens transform their lived experiences into games that express their perspective and can be used to help adults understand.

We envision a world where teens are seen and valued by society, where adults have the tools they need to support teens’ development, where all healthy and purposeful lives, and where there is equal opportunity open to all, especially to those who have traditionally been marginalized.
iThrive Games Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Henry Stewart

See the work of Henry and his team at http://www.happy.co.uk/

Following the success of this event we have immediately set up more:

Liberating Structures Online Introduction: 22 July (or check for later dates) Four structures (Mad Tea, 124All, Conversation Cafe and Troika) in two hours.

This is free to public health service staff and any organisation on the front line of the COVID crisis. Email Henry at henry@happy.co.uk for the discount code.

Find out more from The Happy Manifesto, which was shortlisted for the CMI business book of the year. Download it here for free: https://happymanifesto.com/get-free-ebooks/

Joris Beerda

The Octalysis Group helps companies engage their customers and employees through Behavioral Science and Gameful Design. Based on the world-renowned Gamification work of Yu-Kai-Chou (watch his TEDx talk), they have a long and proven track record of creating high ROI engagement designs.

“We enjoyed the great partnership with Octalysis. Yu-Kai Chou’s Octalysis framework unveiled an amazing Gamification vision that stretches far beyond points, badges and leaderboards.”
– Scott Get, Sr PM of Microsoft Learn.

Early in his career, Joris was a high level diplomat in the Netherlands Foreign Service and was responsible for creating people-engagement in high-stress dangerous situations. Joris’ main successes were in creating an innovative peace group between machine-gun holding rebel groups, government soldiers, public-private partnerships and refugees. He also authored and coached the virtual training mission for the NATO mission in Afghanistan (ISAF).

In Joris’ work as a Global Advisory Manager for PricewaterhouseCoopers, he continued his engagement consulting services and pioneered an eight-figure project with the United Nations to achieve better engagement of the organization with its members and beneficiaries. Prior to joining The Octalysis Group, Joris focused on the Human Resources Industry, implementing innovative ways for virtual, distance HR and Project Management methods in Finance, Oil and Gas and IT.

He resided in Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong, where he headed up large corporate entities. Joris holds a Masters in International Relations and Economics from the University of Amsterdam (Top 15 in Europe), and an EMBA from the Kelley School of Business (#22 in the World).”

If you want to learn more about Gamification, visit Octalysis Prime the gamified learning

Deirdre Jensen

If you still need a bit more guidance on how to make your virtual sessions more enjoyable and bring back a human element, Game2Change is offering a quick video guide to games to consider (A) or a more in-depth discussion of how to design virtual team game session webinar (B). Simply select your preferred option to receive information or register for the live session.

  1. Design a Virtual Team Game Toolkit This is link to our 5-minute video and reference list covering a list of the top five games which can be selected and designed for your meeting


  1. Design a Virtual Team Game Live Webinar. This will be a 30-minute webinar hosted on the 10th July @ 1 pm GMT+2. The session will include our five-pointer guide covering:
  • Selecting a suitable game and platform based on technology, participants and event outcomes
  • Integrating with your teleconferencing platform (Teams, Zoom)
  • Set-up steps and testing tips
  • How to deliver to achieve engagement and interaction
  • How to deal with any technical glitches

Click on this link to get registered : https://gobrunch.com/events/109746

Kristina Dryža

I’ve always been fascinated by patterns for we are patterned beings in a patterned universe. At university I studied history, social anthropology and indigenous cosmology, observing the patterns in culture. As a Trend Forecaster I tracked the patterns on the streets and in the marketplace. As the Author of Grace and the Wind, I wrote about the patterning of seasonal, tidal, lunar and circadian rhythms.

As a regular Presenter at the C. G. Jung Society I explore the patterns in mythology. As a Constellation Facilitator, the process explores what’s been excluded from a system, which unconscious patterns are repeated and what the underlying cause of the present situation is. As a Speaker I form a narrative around archetypes, so the audience can readily recognise the universal patterns of human nature. You can view my TEDx talk on ‘Archetypes and Mythology. Why They Matter Even More So Today.’ And as an Archetypal Consultant I perceive the patterns in the collective unconscious and their expression within our psyches, society and media.

We all need encouragement and support to bring new life into form, whether that’s bringing ideas into the material, making what’s invisible visible, or accompaniment as we develop our fledgling relationship with the unknown. My calling is as a Guide serving other people in engagement, interaction and inter-relationship. I offer individuals insights into their human journey as well as supporting organisations on their creative path.

Visit Kristina’s website at http://www.kristinadryza.com/
and LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristinadryza/

Writerguy logo


Ken Eklund, writerguy

If you have played, studied or researched serious games, you will have come across the work of pioneer Ken Eklund. Responsible for some of the world’s most famous ‘authentic fictions’ such as the award-winning World Without Oil (2007), Ed Zed Omega (2012), and FutureCoast (2014), Ken has created a legacy of games that have not just changed our idea of what games can be used for but changed our views of the future.

Educated at Santa Clara University, Ken has been a Gamemaster for over 20 years. His work has spanned platforms from geo-located storytelling games to cellphone adventures to ‘games for non-gamers’ and bespoke works for cultural institutions, museums and the media. The common thread in all Ken’s work is a focus on games that are socially relevant, allowing people to explore and act on real-world issues through collaborative play.

His work has been featured in media around the world including Wired Magazine, NPR and the BBC Worldwide. He has worked with iconic institutions such as Columbia University, Arizona State University, The Institute for the Future, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Smithsonian, and is in demand as a speaker and workshop facilitator. Throughout this distinguished career Ken has been driven by one simple belief: “to shape the future, play with it first!”

Site-Specific Forecasting Games and Serious Play: An Interview with Ken Eklund, Dr. Stephanie LeMenager, ASAP/journal, Vol.2.3 (2017), p. 509-520

Listening Post: Alternate reality games, ecology and the popular voice, Dr. Adam Alston, Interventions, Contemporary Theatre Review, May 9, 2016

Contact: gamefulworld@writerguy.com

Samanta Chan

Samanta is always open for new opportunities to work with learning designers to incorporate storytelling and gamification into their work. She is currently operating as a freelance creative, offering services in graphic design, copywriting, and illustration, as well as consultancy for any of the above. You can view her portfolio at: http://www.sschan.co.uk/

Imagine If logo


Cat Hase I specialise in designing games, activities and workshops that are filled with interactive, engaging and playful exercises.  People can buy these to use themselves via the Toybox or they can work with me to help them design their own through having a Playdate.

Imagine If website – https://imagineif.ltd/

Toybox site – https://imagineif.vipmembervault.com/

Find me on Linked In – www.linkedin.com/in/cathase

“Working with Cat has been an amazing experience she is like the “Ying” to my “yang”! I am such a big picture thinker and ideas machine and Cat has an amazing ability to lsten to my thoughts and ideas, distil the nuggets and together we go on to co-create amazing workshop content.

Cat brings her own style of creative thinking to our projects and has a wealth of exciting activities in her “Toybox” which I love discovering and using. Bringing play back into the adult learning space is so refreshing and rewarding I can’t recommend Cat enough.”

Evocatus business card


Evocatus helps organisations to think, communicate and train through games and exercises, from simple tabletop games to help solve problems and devise strategies, through to realistic scenario simulations which test solutions, plans and teams. We work with a global network of like-minded allies, with whom we deliver a bespoke, world-class service anywhere in the world.

Liminal Operations


Liminal Operations, LLC, helps organizations stress-test strategies, challenge teams, identify problems, and conceptualize futures in realistic, dynamic, but risk-free environments.  From scenario-based discussions to full-scale simulated environments, we allow you to explore the possibilities of failure and success in a safe yet challenging classroom environment. The Liminal Operations staff has extensive experience in creating, designing, writing, publishing, and executing Immersive Interactive Games. Our team has created numerous award-winning tabletop, live-action, educational, and computer-based games, as well as acted as game masters, referees, and adjudicators for innumerable short and long-term game scenarios, campaigns, and exercises.  You can also learn more about Pigeon’s harebrained schemes at https://jdfielder.com/.

“Pigeon shared a useful and informative presentation on crisis wargaming for our Virtual Business Collaboration webinar series during the early weeks of the COVID crisis. Attendees were small business owners emerging and pivoting as necessary to ensure survival. We’re thankful for his willingness to share knowledge of his special area of expertise – it’s obviously a field in which he has strong understanding.”

Curt Bear, Founder, LoCo Think Tank

Quirk Solutions is a consultancy that helps businesses stress test their plans and strategies. This concept aligns staff, improves the delivery of objectives, and enables businesses to calibrate the risks they are taking. It improves foresight and acts as a highly efficient stakeholder analysis tool. Our approach is to teach our clients what we know, help to build their capability, and then leave them operating at a higher level without external support.

Your organisation is only as good as the decisions you make. If you improve your ability to make correct decisions, you will improve the day-to-day running of your organisation.

We use a range of techniques to help empower teams to solve the issues at hand whilst up-skilling them and enabling them to drive the change needed forward. We deliver workshops and seminars that we tailor to SMEs and large multinationals alike.

If you are interested in finding out more about our services or how we could help your organisation please call us on 02032909576 or email contact@quirksolutions.co.uk

You can learn more about our work through our explainer videos, interviews and past webinars on our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7K8ToJV6TzET8UH4HgmnBQ/videos

Follow Quirk Solutions on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/quirksolutions

Visit our website: https://www.quirksolutions.co.uk/

Weapon of mass creation badge


David Chislett kick-starts people and team with Creative thinking skills. He helps his clients to discover new answers to old problems, discover paths to change and growth and come up with fantastic new ideas. To end up as a force to be reckoned with, everyone must START.

Homepage: https://davidchislett.com/

Need a Kickstart? Book an intake interview:

 From Clare O’Donnel:

‘David has given me some invaluable advice regarding my business. He was absolutely spot on with his suggestions and helped me get clarity regarding what I should focus on. He is very perceptive, highly skilled at “connecting the dots” and helping see the bigger picture.’

Deepa Prusty


With their unshakeable faith in the power of experiential business solutions and the host of cutting edge digital learning and development offerings at their disposal, FocusU Engage is changing the way we look at corporate learning, one client at a time.

With a mission of inspiring ‘We Before Me,’ they have been working tirelessly for over a decade to provide meaning and engagement to not just corporate learning, but also team building across industries – both in India, and globally.
They are driven by 5 core beliefs that drive every one of their interventions. They are:

  • Learning should never be boring.
  • There can be no learning without engagement.
  • What is unconventional inspires curiosity, interest, engagement – hence learning.
  • Learning is a journey – not a one-off experience.
  • Laughter is no enemy to learning.

Find out more about FocusU at https://focusu.com/ and see their client testimonials at https://focusu.com/testimonials/