Ludogogy is delighted to add this great new feature to the magazine which summarises important books, articles and papers on the topics of learning, games design, games-based learning and gamification.

Linda Kunene is currently completing her Master’s degree in Digital Arts at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.

She takes a playful approach to her own learning, practising what she is learning, and has created these beautiful infographics as summaries of the texts she has studied.

Ludogogy will be publishing a new one each week, which will appear in the New Posts carousel, as well as being added to the archive of infographics on this page.

Research Infographics

Cartoon of people doing various science things Honey & Mumford Learning Styles by Linda Kunene - In 1986 Honey & Mumford put forward the idea of four different Learning Styles - Activist, Reflector, Theorist & Pragmatist, and described how they each behave. [...]
A header image showing lithographic science images such as a hand with a pipette and glass flasks Game Mechanics in Serious Games by Linda Kunene - How do the use of game mechanics relate to learner engagement in the context of serious games? Does more game experience necessarily mean greater engagement? [...]
A cartoon of people looking at screens Learning Online through Gamification by Linda Kunene - This article looks at the use of game mechanisms in learning applications to support pedagogical goals such as outcomes, motivation, percerptions and engagement. [...]
Mechanics Dynamics Aesthetics model The MDA Framework – Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics by Linda Kunene - The MDA model breaks down a player's consumption of the game into three parts, rules, system and fun. These correspond to Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics [...]
Linocut of a pile of books, rust coloured on a black background Educational Games vs Games-based Learning by Linda Kunene - Educational games are designed explictly for education, whereas games-based learning claims that play and learning are the same [...]
Types of Game Mechanics by Linda Kunene - Game mechanics are the rules that govern and guide the players actions, as well as the game's response to them. This post categorises those mechanics. [...]
Cartoon of woman interacting with a giant table of info Practical Methodology for the Design of Educational Serious Games – Part 2 by Linda Kunene - All the main steps that are needed to define the learning mechanisms in an educational serious game, from topic choice to use experience. [...]
Practical Methodology for the Design of Educational Serious Games – Part I by Linda Kunene - All the main steps that are needed to define the learning mechanisms in an educational serious game, from topic choice to use experience. [...]
Weightlifter Purpose Increases Pleasure in Serious Games by Linda Kunene - An infographic compiled from Dive Deeper: Empirical Analysis of Game Mechanics and Perceived Value in Serious Games, looking at how purpose increases pleasure. [...]
Cartoon of two mean - one is pointing at a lit lightbulb, and another cartoon of a head opening to reveal brightly coloured shapes Reflection in Educational Games by Linda Kunene - This information in this infographic is taken from 'Reflection in Game-Based Learning: A Survey of Programming Games' by VillaReale et al. [...]