Keep It Real Game – Live Play Session

Keep It Real board game

On Monday 13th, I had the pleasure to co-host a play session with Leslie Robinson of  Trance4Mation Games.  Leslie developed the ‘Keep It Real’ Diversity and Inclusion game. She also wrote an article for Ludogogy explaining how the game came to her, fully formed, almost like a ‘visitation’.

The game is available on Leslie’s site, where you can access a one week free trial of the online version (the one we are playing in this video) and order the board game.

The Loss and Remembrance game, also mentioned in the video is free to play, and you can find out more about Leslie’s other games at the Trance4Mation website.

Founder and CEO at Trance4mation Games
Leslie Robinson is a therapist, and the Founder and CEO of Trance4mation Games, a Company formed to transform and to heal relationships and lives through engaging and profound dialogue.

Leslie developed a FREE site of online mini-games at for everyone to play with friends, family and co-workers. All of these Restorative Communication games provide safe, structured spaces to experience understanding, empathy, healing and LOVE!

See also these links for individual games
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