James Bore – The Ransomeware Game
James Bore has created a game which simulates a ransomware atteack. The game uses cards and a ‘negotiator’ implemented through a Chat GPT bot. […]
James Bore has created a game which simulates a ransomware atteack. The game uses cards and a ‘negotiator’ implemented through a Chat GPT bot. […]
The process will help the group to identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the objective, enabling a confident transition to action. […]
Darren Sweet from Ipsodeckso gives Ludogogy reader their presents early this year, with two decks designed to ramp up the Christmas fun and teambuilding for your teams. […]
Memory Lane is a tool to explore people’s readiness to accept change, and help organisations to consider approaches to any particular change initiative. […]
Splatman – social card game with the visual essence of the Iconic arcade game Pacman and a game mechanic similar to Poker. Play for a strategic planning workout […]
Leadership Chronicles serves up a valuable opportunity for leadership teams to develop their team dynamic by proactively solving business-critical problems. […]
The Coaching Spectrum Deck is a tool for training coaches on the spectrum of coaching activities on a scale from ‘directive’ to ‘non-directive’. […]
This Diversity and Inclusion deck and a glimpse into a possible future where humanity in a desperate bid for survival, has sought sanctuary amongst the stars. […]
This time we are getting a few tips on how to use one of the decks, the Johari Go! Deck, to facilitate members of teams to get to know one another. […]
Ipsodeckso is is going to be of considerable interest to facilitators and coaches. It contains a number of great decks already and the ability to add your own […]
GBL is a Constructivist approach in that gives learners tools to construct their own learning, usually through ‘solving’ some kind of central problem. […]
I learnt things the hard way and this article is an attempt to reflect on the mistakes I made while collecting feedback for online game-based learning courses […]
The Ubuntu Game is a physical and virtual board game designed to teach teenagers the wonders of diversity, inclusion and equality […]
Many have discovered that learning games and playful activities are effective for learning if you are required to use ‘online’, rather than a classroom setting. […]
Teams need to retrospect to get better, not just to celebrate wins. If teams want to improve they need to change what was wrong, or even not quite perfect. […]
Ludogogy 2022