Musings on Developing Games Featuring Teamwork

For as long as games have been played, having to work with others as part of a team in order to winhas been a well-established norm when it comes to games and as someone who [...]

Liberate your online meetings and events

When I tweeted about how to fully involve and engage 100 people in a full day Zoom workshop, the first response was "a full day - on Zoom?" We are all online on Zoom now. [...]

Collaboration gaps enhanced by a game? Yes, we can

Corrado de Sanctis, Agile Coach, talks about the design his new game for enhancing collaboration in software development teams.  The article contains some terminology specific to that field, which are defined in the Ludogopedia.  I [...]

Online Meetings Effective? 11 Tactics for Gamifying your Next Zoom Meeting

While online meetings are a great opportunity for organisations to maintain communication and productivity, great challenges await!

Building Wellbeing, One Brick at a Time

I don’t know about you but I felt inundated with challenges during lockdown; 30 day fitness challenges, social media challenges, learn a skill, become fluent in another language. It’s been exhausting just reading them. Coping [...]

Changing a classic board game to online: A look behind the scenes

As we believe in the power of play, one of our approaches in order to develop teams is to set learning arenas built by our Serious Games. The last month's “Lord McGroundwork’s Shipyard”, our new [...]

Five Ways to Design Collaborative Games

In a previous article for Ludogogy, I explored why it’s important that not all learning games are competitive, especially when teambuilding is a key aim. But If we don’t have that simple crutch to reach [...]

The next big thing: paper planes and bits

Formal education kills team work. Alright, I hope that got your attention. Now let me share my experience with designing serious games to teach students at the University of Economics Krakow (UEK) 21st Century skills [...]

THE REMOTE FRAMEWORK: Guide to Remote Working

Turbulent times for engagementThe world is going through turbulent times. We are all busy adjusting to unprecedented realities. Companies worldwide have had to readjust to at least one aspect of this ‘new ‘normal’: many of [...]

How To Foster Virtual Environments For Your Dream Team To Thrive.

One of the key factors of high performing teams is the ability to understand each other, even to the extent of understanding the non-verbal messaging.