Practical Methodology for the Design of Educational Serious Games – Part I

The information in this infographic is taken from “Practical Methodology for the Design of Educational Serious Games” (2019) by Frutuoso G. M. Silva.

This is available to read in full at

Inforgraphic of a practical methodology for the design of educational serious games

Part II to follow next week.

An archive of all currently available infographics can be found in the Research Infographics page.

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Learning Designer at IQbusiness South Africa
Linda is a skilled learning designer who is passionate about game-based learning and serious gaming. She designs learning solutions for workforce training and is an advocate for adult learning that is both effective and enjoyable. She is completing her Master’s degree in Digital Arts at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. She writes about the application of gamification, game-based learning and serious gaming to adult learning.
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  1. Hello,

    Thanks a lot for the infographic but unfortuntally the resolution is too low, especially for the “Main steps” part. How can wee see it in a better resolution please?

    • Hi Blandine. Thank you for the feedback. I will ask the author if she has a higher resolution version. In the meantime, the image is 800 pixels wide but the size the text will display will depend on the resolution of the screen on which it is being viewed. To see it as big as possible, have you tried right-clicking on the image and opening the picture in a new tab? You can then click on it to magnify it.

      If that is not big enough, please feel free to save the image and open it outside the site. I have just tried this in Paint 3D and the text is not too pixellated to read, even at 400% magnification.

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