Agile SWOT – A Game to Introduce Agile
This game is intended not only for Agile coaches, but for people who may be new to Agile, and looks at the main concepts through the lens of a SWOT analysis. […]
This game is intended not only for Agile coaches, but for people who may be new to Agile, and looks at the main concepts through the lens of a SWOT analysis. […]
Demo of a gamified learning platform and a card game designed to help players to go beyond Agile tools and processes to an Agile Mindset […]
Creating games is also a way to apply the agile approach in different contexts. If you are thinking if agile is just for IT, you are wrong! […]
One of the most effective ways to demonstrate tricky real-world, Agile concepts is to run a game that strips away any complexity […]
Teams need to retrospect to get better, not just to celebrate wins. If teams want to improve they need to change what was wrong, or even not quite perfect. […]
Sometimes it is not easy to make experiments, because we need realistic, failsafe and quick situations. Here is where games could support people […]
When you are playing (in) a game you are actually interacting with a system. Understanding how the system is working is the basic nature of System Thinking. So, a player is a natural Systems Thinker. […]
Corrado De Sanctis also published an article about DSBuilders game last month. The game is a work in progress. This article deatils the version that you can see at Corrado’s workshop at AgileTour London 2020 […]
Ludogogy 2022