Gamer Grind
What does Gamer Grind mean? How do players experience it? How can designers and educators of games-based learning address the grind in designs? […]
What does Gamer Grind mean? How do players experience it? How can designers and educators of games-based learning address the grind in designs? […]
acing catastrophes of pandemics, ecosystem collapse and climate change.Utopoly started out as a ‘hack’ of Monopoly but has evolved to become much more. […]
One of the objectives of this project was to increase dietary autonomy and promote traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity of indigenous peoples. […]
Systems thinking is one of the competencies that enable us to understand the complexity of global and networked structures and their outcomes. The interconnectivity between countries, companies, and people creates a net of relationships that […]
Ludogogy 2022