Review of Building Blocks of Tabletop Game Design
If this book by Engelstein and Shalev had existed back then, I would definitely have used it to explore game mechanics to inform my game design. […]
If this book by Engelstein and Shalev had existed back then, I would definitely have used it to explore game mechanics to inform my game design. […]
Sometimes it is not easy to make experiments, because we need realistic, failsafe and quick situations. Here is where games could support people […]
Player agency is about giving our players the time, space, and resources to make decisions in games. But is that is the only thing that agency gives to players? […]
The perspective of a French Economics, Social Sciences and Management teacher Expressing a vision of the future is taking a risk. Nevertheless, it’s useful to imagine what where the underlying and powerful trends of today […]
I have always subscribed to the idea that almost every game has something to teach you as you play it. Whether it is sharing a philosophical world view with games like ‘Spec Ops: The Line’(YAGER […]
One of the main aspects of games that tends to be overlooked by most people when you approach them with the idea of utilising games as a teaching or training tool is the freedom to […]
The following is a chapter from an upcoming book by David Chandross, whom many of you will know from his fascinating posts on LinkedIn, and others from his academic publications. David is a big-hitter in […]
Nowadays, when most people hear the term ‘Cybernetics’ they will tend to associate it with computer technology, possibly in a sci-fi or futuristic context. However, the term existed well before the age of digital computing. […]
Pretty much everything, everyone, and everybody that we work with is part of system: large or small. But how do those systems work and how do they affect you? […]
Your mileage may vary, but I remember history at school as long, boring lists of kings and queens. I had no interest in it. My sole motivation in showing up to any of the lessons […]
I run a certification program in which I help trainers and facilitators learn how to use a multiplayer game to facilitate their own virtual learning experiences. Because of the multiplayer and virtual nature of my […]
Until I was 17 years old, I was a hardened gamer. Platformers, strategy, beat’em up, FPS… I loved them all. But one day, without really knowing why, I got bored of video games and ended […]
This article is part of a series I wrote some time ago when I was in the process of designing a business sustainability boardgame and was documenting the design process. A couple of days ago […]
This article is part of a series I wrote some time ago when I was in the process of designing a business sustainability boardgame and was documenting the design process. At the moment, my absolute […]
The more work I do with teams and groups, the more it becomes apparent that communication is the absolute foundation to everything that goes around it. You can’t build trust without talking. You can’t explore […]
Ludogogy 2022