Here is some of the content produced by Ludogogy and creators in Ludogogy’s network.

Panel Discussions

Artic Sea Ice Climate Change and Games – Panel Session by Ludogogy - October 2020, Sarah from Ludogogy facilitated a panel discussion on how games and gamification could be used to address the problems of the Climate Crisis.  [...]

Game Experiments

The destruction of the Library of Alexandria Resisting the Purge – LinkedIn as a Game Platform by Ludogogy - Can anything be a game? I think the answer is probably ‘Yes’, and I want to try out the idea that ‘real-life’, e.g. work, can be deliberately designed gamefully [...]
Babysitter Character Sheet from Game of You The Game of You – Quests by Ludogogy - In (the game of) real life you play your ‘Employee’ character, but also ‘Parent’ or ‘Ska Drummer’ characters, each with different 'stats', skills, and allies. [...]
Pandemic game pieces Using Off The Shelf Games for Learning by Ludogogy - Bespoke learning game design fits your learning outcomes precisely, but can be costly. An off the shelf game can be a cost effective and high value alternative. [...]
Bazaar game box Eight Playful Practices to Model Sid Sackson by Ludogogy - There is no need to move beyond the basic gameplaying components you already have if you want to partake in a Sackson-like game design experiment. [...]
Co-creation represented by Meeples A Co-Creation Experience in Editorial Design by Hyunsoo Kim - A co-creation exercise in which writers and designers work together to create a 'relay' of writing. How did this work out? Read on to find out. [...]
Meta Game Screenshot Spiel Educators’ Day 2020 – Meta Game by Ludogogy - Spiel was held as a virtual event in 2020. Here are Sarah Le-Fevre and Terry Pearce playing the Meta Card Game which they designed for Spiel Educators' Day. If you… [...]