Rewards in Games-based Learning

Cartoons of a gold medal and a winner's rosette

This infographic is a summary of The Psychology of Rewards in Games-based Learning: A Comprehensive Review by Carmen Soo and Julia Lee Ai Cheng, orginally published in the Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development. Vol.8(1), March 2022

It can be accessed in full at

Rewards in Digital Games Based Learning Infographic

An archive of all currently available infographics can be found in the Research Infographics page.

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Learning Designer at IQbusiness South Africa
Linda is a skilled learning designer who is passionate about game-based learning and serious gaming. She designs learning solutions for workforce training and is an advocate for adult learning that is both effective and enjoyable. She is completing her Master’s degree in Digital Arts at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. She writes about the application of gamification, game-based learning and serious gaming to adult learning.
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