Welcome to issue eight of Ludogogy Magazine – The Wargames Issue
This issue looks at wargames from a number of different perspectives. Our authors this month have delivered learning using wargames within the military, but also in business and civilian applications too.
This issue has been a great learning curve for your editor, who really hasn’t had much to do with wargames in the past. But I think that will all be changing. The potential for wargames for a wide variety of learning applications across the board really emerges from the articles we have for you this month.
Off-the-shelf wargames for learning strategic thinking
How business wargames might invigorate the military perspective
The repopularisation of commercial wargames
A history of wargaming
Much more
We are now accepting articles for the next two month’s issue ‘Systems Thinking’ (deadline 27 Dec) – How can games be used for systems learning? In what ways can games be seen, and designed, as systems? What does systems thinking bring to the practice of learning, and games, design? etc., and ‘Futurism’ – deadline 28 February – Designing games to look to the future? What does the future of games-based learning hold? How can games help us to practise foresight? etc.
Send proposals or drafts to info@ludogogy.co.uk
Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Playful