Game-based learning/gamification articles and talks


  • The Dark Side of Gamification (Panel talk, Audio, 2020)
    A useful look at when gamification becomes manipulation, and the ethics of what Yu-Kai Chou has called ‘black hat’ gamification.

Game-Based Learning

  • Games Can and Do Teach (Article, Text, 2013)
    Old but still useful, Karl Kapp responds to accusations denigrating the case for games aiding learning with research evidence.
  • Using Game Thinking for Rapid Product Innovation (Video, 2019)
    Super-practical summary of Amy Jo Kim’s approach to making games into reality.
  • Designing for the Audience (Book chapter, Text, 2014)
    This is only one chapter, but the book is an anthology book so it stands alone: a great short treatise on this topic from Gabriela T Richard.
  • Games Can Change the World (TED Talk, Video, 2010)
    Still relevant, a seminal talk on the power of games from Jane McGonigal.

Games and Gamification

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Learning Designer at Untold Play
Terry Pearce is a bespoke learning designer, who focuses on game-based learning and gamification in designing learning experiences. He’s the founder of Untold Play, where he’s committed to putting the power of play to work in learning. In his 20-year career in L&D, his learning design has won awards from Reed Learning, the Healthcare People Management Association and The NHS London Modernisation Agency.

Sign up to his newsletter for weekly games-based learning insights at
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1 Comment

  1. Great list, Terry. I’m taking a look at the ‘Designing for the Audience’ chapter now. Not one I had come across before and really interesting and useful.

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