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“The only sustainable competitive advantage is an organisation's ability to learn faster than the competition.” - Peter Senge

Want learning to be an ongoing BAU practice in your organisation, rather than occasional events or pieces of content?

Want learning that your people actively seek out because it clearly links with what they - and you - want to achieve?

YES - Ludogogy thinks the same way you do!

Organisational Learning Change Model


Years of frustration at seeing brilliantly designed and facilitated learning initiatives fail to achieve what was needed, once learners returned to business as usual, led Ludogogy to think differently, with:

- A systems-thinking based approach to creating learning 'in-context' rather than in a vacuum.

- A recognition of the power of play and gameful design, as tools for creativity and autonomy.

- An approach which favours consultative co-creation over bending your needs to my product.

  • From £750 pm on retainer
  • 1-2-1 or group mentoring sessions
  • Learning Strategy
  • Ideation sessions
  • Facilitated learning analysis and design workshops
  • In-person or remote
  • 'In-context' learning design
  • Holistic learning approach, incorporating design thinking and systems thinking/practice
  • OLCM certification training for your learning team
  • Templates and workshop plans included with certification
  • Built in ROI measurement
  • Games Design mentoring  for learning professionals
  • Gamification for productivity and creativity
  • Mapping learning to games experiences
  • Increasing 'pull' and engagement
  • Bespoke co-creation learning game design

Design & Delivery

Ludogogy aspires to create great learning for you, whatever your learning need, and whatever your budget.

That's why we offer a combination of bespoke design services, third-party games and techniques, and off-the-shelf learning solutions.

Because great learning should also be cost-effective learning.

  • Design / Delivery from £750 per day
  • From half-day to large-scale programmes
  • Face-to-face and online learning
  • With or without game design
  • OLCM approach as standard
  • Lego® Serious Play® workshops and meetings
  • Evvive - The Leadership Game
  • Clean Language coaching methodology
  • Liberating Structures facilitation techniques
  • Each adaptible to numerous learning applications
  • Cost effective - reduced design overhead
  • Narrative-based reflective games to access group and individual insight
  • 'Modding' of commercial off-the-shelf games for learning applications
  • Game only and Game with Facilitation packages
  • Card decks for group facilitation
  • 'Speculative Optimism' learning programme for futures thinking

Ludogogy Learning

Ludogogy magazine exists to raise the profile the games-based learning, gamification and gameful design - and to 'pay it forward' by offering a free to access resource for professionals in the field.

And if you want to delve deeper, you can also take advantage of courses and other offerings, including learning and games design masterminds, and connections with a well-informed and passionate community.

  • Learning Design for Games Designers
  • Games Design for Learning Professionals
  • Beginner, intermediate and advanced level courses
  • Workflow and games for learning business courses
  • From £59 for short courses, to £997 for four-week deep dive programmes
  • Technical skills courses
  • Written by and for GBL professionals
  • Monthly podcast with great games design guests
  • Live Play events and video archive
  • Reviews of games, books and courses etc.
  • Get in touch if you want to publish your article / run a play event
  • From £57 pm for Games Design Mastermind
  • Mastermind included with 'Gamemaker' patron level
  • Early access to podcast
  • Discounts on Ludogogy products / services
  • Networking

Contact Ludogogy

Copyright © 2022 Ludogogy